Josh-Hua Terei


HomeConceptJosh-Hua Terei

The main protagonists of the game. Samson and his loyal canine companion REC0.
A 4th-dimensional threat sweeping across the wasteland, splicing physical matter in terrifying ways.
Weapons crafted from the technological remains of the old world.
The dangerous wasteland of the Mandelbrot Zone.

Bachelor of Design with Honours

Reverence was a massive undertaking for us. Building an entirely original world and story as a team of two proved to be quite the challenge. This project has pushed our ability as designers to the limit and at times, tested our strength as friends. I'm extremely proud of the work we made and the stories we shared and I hope one day we can come together to tell one more.

Reverence is a project that explores the interaction and abstraction of scientific metaphors to enhance character-driven storytelling.

Following a technological disaster, civilization has been plunged into madness by a reality-warping anomaly. In this game, a young technician and his robot companion roam through an exotic blend of dystopic environments and enemies on a quest to find their missing sister and unravel the mystery behind this fractured reality.


Block 12 Level D