Lauren MᶜCullagh

Dragonfly Tavern

HomeCreative Media ProductionLauren MᶜCullagh

The Dragonfly Tavern soundtrack.
Helping set up a recording session at Massey's Neve desk in Block 1.
The Dragonfly Tavern FMOD Studio project.

Bachelor of Creative Media Production

My role on Dragonfly Tavern was audio lead, making it my responsibility to create, program and implement all sound heard in-game. I joined the project excited for the challenge that game audio brings and I am overall most proud of what I learned with FMOD and its API programming. I’m pleased with where this project has taken me, and excited to work more with game audio in the future.

Dragonfly Tavern is a top down pixel art action-adventure game set in a fantasy world. You play as a young orc who goes on an journey to learn elemental magic to save his village from the elves. The complexity arises from the different effects elements have on each other, which can be used to the players advantage, rewarding mastery. The game is developed in Unity for both PC and Mac.