Jess Trimble

for Minutes, for Hours, for Days

HomeFine ArtsJess Trimble

Jess Trimble. “once it was”, found clay, 2022.
Jess Trimble. “the Gaps it left Behind”, found clay, 2022.
Jess Trimble. “play me a Memory”, found clay, 2022.
Jess Trimble. “the Gaps it left Behind”, found clay, 2022.

Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours

Jess is interested in an entropic process for their sculptures. Through intuitive art-making, they sculpt their current moment emotions onto found clay, then passed onto nature to complete the process, inviting the sculpture to take up its own agency. This process is an act of giving this natural medium back to the earth, completing a cycle. Process and product are equally important, assimilated through multiple modalities within the final installation.


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Exhibition location
Block 2 Level E