Jessica Miku

She Likes Her Persimmons Soft

HomeFine ArtsJessica Miku

She Likes Her Persimmons Soft (detail) | oil on canvas
Star Child I | oil on canvas | 16X20in
Star Child II | oil on canvas | 18X24in
She Likes Her Persimmons Soft | oil on canvas | 48X48in

Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours

sweet / soft / sticky liquid dripping down her neck / pooling in the dip / between / her clavicles / pluck out / a tune / her heart / and eat it / teeth splitting / skin chewing flesh / she likes her persimmons / sweet / soft / sentimental / the bite / bare / unfurling her black hair / blood like syrup / like dreams in the night / where is Dracula when you need him? / tender at the knees (not the heart) / her yellow prayer


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Exhibition location
Block 2 Level E