Kata Brown

I Know Myself To Be Secretive

HomeFine ArtsKata Brown

Video Work as part of Grotesque Dreams of the Flesh (words, video, audio in collaboration with Z Marsh)
The Day He Told Me He'd Died, (Graphite on Paper)
Grotesque Dreams of the Flesh. (Installation, Video, Audio)

Bachelor of Fine Arts

I am a visual artist whose work is primarily based around paintings and drawings that include personal motifs and narratives relating to my lived experiences. I also employ sounds, objects and words taken from my life in the form of diary entries, video logs, and social media transcripts.
My research practice involves searching my own childhood, memory and history for specific instances that I have and will continue to turn into ritual, fears, dreams, symbols and myths. Illustrations both demonstrate and enhance the narrativisation of my work through their relation to my current and historical experiences. I am ultimately aiming to visually reproduce a personal narrative as a means of understanding myself.



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Exhibition location
Block 1 Engine Room