Ryan Greer

Mirage - Emotional Attachment Through Imagination

HomeMaster of DesignRyan Greer

By changing the form of the slates the user is able to change the amount of light within the environment
Mirage allows the user to create their own environment through playful ludic engagement.
The bamboo slates are adjusted by compressing the cord puller allowing for free movement of the cord and therefore changing the form of the slates

Master of Design

Mirage explores the connection between our imagination and how it can be used to trigger a deeper level of emotional attachment between ourselves and the objects that make up our lives. This project analyses how lighting can be more than just a visual aid and can instead be used to provide an environment that allows us to unwind and reflect within ourselves and between those within the light.

Mirage is presented as part of Enriching Material Encounters, a joint exhibition that asks 'How can design facilitate emotional attachment between people and objects?' Exploring the topic of emotional attachment in design, these four graduate designers have addressed different aspects, categories and forms according to their unique specialties and interests, resulting in four individual projects.
Block 12 Level C