Kareena Annan


HomeSpatialKareena Annan

This form explores the interception of landscape and architecture therefore influencing how people perceive their built environments.
Wakefield Street intercepts multiple boundaries of residential, commercial and recreational areas of the city. Therefore, offering a genuine opportunity for a mixed use development.
Three mixed use typologies: live, work and play. The programme facilitates three types of dwelling including residential, offices, and recreational such and hospitality and retail.
The work office typologies explore landscape as an interior and are inspired by landscape garden design.

Bachelor of Design with Honours

Envision reimagines the former Amora Hotel on Wakefield Street into a multifunctional environment to facilitate urban living, work, and play. The project investigates elements of landscape and topography as tools for developing architectural adaptive reuse strategies to create a set of mixed-use typologies. They emphasise verticality and horizontality and draw on spatial qualities found in landscape environments.

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