Stella Swney

Our Place

HomeVisual CommunicationStella Swney

Instructional video of how to play 'Our Place'.
Our place game board and box. To know where you are going, you need to know where you have come from.
Pūrakāu cards coming together to tell a story in the final stage of the game. Raspberry pi coded with an audio file to assist learning so the stories can be heard as well as read.

Bachelor of Design with Honours

Our place is an educational game that allows young tāne in remand to enhance self-made connections whilst gaining an understanding of our place as told through Aotearoa’s Māori legends as well as the experience of creating a tangible kaitiaki (guardian). Our Place is a symbolic recognition of the need to change the way we as society handle prisoners - aiming to break the cycle by shifting efforts from punishment to self-improvement.

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